Number one this week, BullMQ is a solution to handle asynchronous queues of tasks in Node.js, using Redis as a database.
It’s the next major version of Bull, the most popular project in the Queues category.
Also, I’d like to mention a small update about Best of JavaScript: you can know sort projects by monthly number of downloads on NPM, for any category.
And the most downloaded package over the last month is Debug
a simple but very useful tool to print nice messages in the console depending on the environment, that works in both Node.js and the browser.
Growing Fast This Week
By % of GitHub stars added (relative growth) this week
1 | BullMQ Premium Message Queue for NodeJS based on Redis | Homepage | +20.0% | |
2 | Code Surfer Rad code slides </> | GitHub | +19.3% | |
3 | Little State Machine React hooks for persist state management based | Homepage | +18.1% | |
4 | swr React Hooks library for remote data fetching | Homepage | +13.1% | |
5 | Dark Mode Switch Add a dark-mode theme toggle with a Bootstrap Custom Switch | Homepage | +11.1% | |
6 | React Hook Form React hooks for forms validation without the hassle. | Homepage | +10.2% | |
7 | Redux Starter Kit The official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux d... | Homepage | +6.7% | |
8 | Tiny-Swiper 2kb modular JS library alternative to SwiperJS with same modern API for car... | Homepage | +6.6% | |
9 | Keystone A scalable platform and CMS to build Node.js applications | Homepage | +5.3% | |
10 | Proton Javascript particle animation library | Homepage | +4.4% |
Trending This Week
By number of GitHub stars added this week
1 | VS Code Visual Studio Code | Homepage | +783 ★ | |
2 | Code Surfer Rad code slides </> | GitHub | +628 ★ | |
3 | Tailwind CSS A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development. | Homepage | +592 ★ | |
4 | swr React Hooks library for remote data fetching | Homepage | +522 ★ | |
5 | Node.js Best Practices The largest Node.js best practices list (November 2019) | GitHub | +427 ★ | |
6 | Vue.js A progressive, incrementally-adoptable framework for building UI on the web | Homepage | +421 ★ | |
7 | React Hook Form React hooks for forms validation without the hassle. | Homepage | +411 ★ | |
8 | ![]() | Vue Element Admin A magical vue admin | GitHub | +406 ★ |
9 | 30 seconds of code A curated collection of useful JavaScript snippets that you can understand ... | Homepage | +394 ★ | |
10 | Mark Text A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Window... | Homepage | +364 ★ |
Any question or feedback? Reach us on GitHub.
Best of JavaScript is a project created by Michael Rambeau, made in Osaka, Japan.