NodeGUI, the library to build desktop applications, is still at the top of the charts this week.
The newcomer is AdminBro, a solution to build automatically a CRUD application to manage your data.
It can work with two of the most popular web frameworks for Node.js: Express or Hapi.
You set up database adapters to connect to your data, right now 2 popular ORM are supported:
The last step is to provide the models, once it’s done you get a full CRUD application that you can plug-in to an existing Node.js application.
Using the scaffolding generated by AdminBro as a starting point, it’s possible to customize the look-and-feel with React components and the available actions.
Growing Fast This Week
1 | NodeGUI A library for building cross-platform native desktop applications | Homepage | +47.4% | |
2 | Outline The fastest wiki and knowledge base for growing teams. | Homepage | +22.0% | |
3 | Admin Bro An admin panel for apps written in node.js | Homepage | +15.9% | |
4 | React NodeGUI A React renderer for NodeGUI | Homepage | +15.9% | |
5 | WebComponents Polyfills A suite of polyfills supporting the Web Components specs | GitHub | +14.5% | |
6 | MEVN CLI Light speed setup for MEVN (Mongo Express Vue Node) Apps | Homepage | +10.8% | |
7 | TypeLighterJS The world's lightest yet most powerful JS TypeWriter out there | Homepage | +6.8% | |
8 | React Hook Form React hooks for form validation without the hassle | Homepage | +6.1% | |
9 | Moveable Draggable! Resizable! Scalable! Rotatable! | Homepage | +5.5% | |
10 | Embla Carousel Extensible low level carousels for the web | Homepage | +5.5% |
Trending This Week
1 | Outline The fastest wiki and knowledge base for growing teams | Homepage | +930 ★ | |
2 | NodeGUI A library for building cross-platform native desktop applications | Homepage | +757 ★ | |
3 | Tech Interview Handbook Materials to help you rock your next coding interview | Homepage | +749 ★ | |
4 | Vue.js A progressive, incrementally-adoptable framework for building UI | Homepage | +486 ★ | |
5 | React NodeGUI Build performant, native and cross-platform desktop applications with nativ... | Homepage | +415 ★ | |
6 | Awesome Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics | GitHub | +400 ★ | |
7 | You Don't Know JS A book series on JavaScript | GitHub | +378 ★ | |
8 | ![]() | Vue Element Admin A magical vue admin | GitHub | +351 ★ |
9 | JS Algorithms & Data Structures Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations ... | GitHub | +347 ★ | |
10 | VS Code Visual Studio Code | Homepage | +342 ★ |
Any question or feedback? Reach us on GitHub.
Best of JavaScript is a project created by Michael Rambeau, made in Osaka, Japan.