React Query is a library that provides hooks to query and update data from your React application.
It shines with the way it handles a local cache to provide a sweet user experience.
When requesting multiples time the same data, the library is able to retrieve the previous result of the query from its cache, while re-fetching fresh data in the background. As a result the user does not have to wait for the fresh data, staring at a loading indicator.
This concept of “State While Revalidate” is also used by the library SWR but React Query provides a lot of extra features like pagination and pre-fetching. The killer feature may be a specific debugging tool that lets you visualize the content of the local cache, for each request that was made, with the different statuses (“fresh”, “fetching”, “stale”…).
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Best of JavaScript is a project created by Michael Rambeau, made in Osaka, Japan.