It’s already the 100th issue of Best of JavaScript’s newsletter, thank you for checking our rankings every week!
Number one this week, Crank.js is a framework to write UI components with JSX.
It’s inspired by React but it takes a totally different approach to handle side-effects. While React functional components can only be synchronous functions, components in Crank.js can be asynchronous functions (returning promises) or generator functions.
The introduction post explains well the motivation of the author: instead of relying of special features provided by the framework (like hooks and refs), it relies only on modern JavaScript features such as async await
and generators.
Generator functions are used to create stateful components: instead of handling a state, the components can yield
different output over time.
Also the use of function generator gives you access to all methods from component lifecycle:
- a
try finally
block can be used to to fire code when a component un-mount - since
context provided by Crank.js is an async iterable of props, it’s possible to compare old and new props when a component updates.
For communication between components, it relies on the Custom Event API letting child components dispatch events that are handled by the parent components.
See you next week for the issue number 101!
Growing Fast This Week
1 | Crank.js Write JSX-driven components with functions, promises and generators. | Homepage | +74.0% | |
2 | Vime All your media player needs in one place - a modern alternative to Videojs | Homepage | +43.4% | |
3 | Destiny Prettier for File Structures | GitHub | +42.6% | |
4 | OrbitDB Peer-to-Peer Databases for the Decentralized Web | GitHub | +20.5% | |
5 | @compiled/css-in-js The CSS in JS authoring experience we love without the runtime cost. | Homepage | +20.1% | |
6 | 700+ Pure CSS, SVG & Figma UI Icons Available in SVG Sprite, styled-components... | Homepage | +10.7% | |
7 | Neo.mjs The webworkers driven UI framework | Homepage | +9.5% | |
8 | Themer Takes a set of colors and generates themes for your apps (editors, t... | Homepage | +9.0% | |
9 | Frontity Create amazing sites using WordPress & React | Homepage | +8.9% | |
10 | React Query Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React | GitHub | +7.6% |
Trending This Week
1 | LearnGitBranching An interactive git visualization to challenge and educate! | Homepage | +828 ★ | |
2 | OrbitDB Peer-to-Peer Databases for the Decentralized Web | GitHub | +714 ★ | |
3 | Destiny Prettier for File Structures | GitHub | +661 ★ | |
4 | Vue.js A progressive, incrementally-adoptable framework for building UI on the web | Homepage | +646 ★ | |
5 | JS Algorithms & Data Structures Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript | GitHub | +641 ★ | |
6 | Crank.js Write JSX-driven components with functions, promises and generators. | Homepage | +576 ★ | |
7 | React Query Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React | GitHub | +460 ★ | |
8 | ![]() | Vue Element Admin A magical vue admin | GitHub | +433 ★ |
9 | React A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building UI | Homepage | +403 ★ | |
10 | Tailwind CSS A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development. | Homepage | +381 ★ |
Any question or feedback? Reach us on GitHub.
Best of JavaScript is a project created by Michael Rambeau, made in Osaka, Japan.